Atlanta Area Chapters

Grief support after the death of a child.
The mission of The Compassionate Friends is to assist families toward the positive resolution of grief 
following the death of a child of any age and to provide information to help others be supportive.

The Compassionate Friends is a national nonprofit, self-help support organization that offers friendship, 
understanding, and hope to bereaved parents, grandparents and siblings. 
There is no religious affiliation and there are no membership dues or fees.

The secret of TCF's success is simple: As seasoned grievers reach out to the newly bereaved, 
energy that has been directed inward begins to flow outward and both are helped to heal. 
The vision of The Compassionate Friends is that everyone who needs us will find us and everyone who finds us will be helped.

This web site is dedicated to those who have experienced the death of a child or sibling.

If you are in that situation, we want to help.

Updated February 18, 2025
(This web site best viewed in 1024 X 768 resolution) 

Atlanta Area Chapter Contacts 

General Atlanta Area Info

Jayne Newton

Atlanta ...Tucker Chapter

7:30 PM on the second Tuesday of each month. 

First Christian Church of Atlanta
4532 Lavista Road
Tucker, GA

Anita Mann (Co-Leader)  404-455-1812

Jackie Jackson (Co-Leader) 770-715-0386

Maureen Beamer 404-271-3066

Jayne Newton  678-520-2442

Atlanta ... Tucker Siblings Group

  Rachel Woodruff 404-216-4251

(Ages 12 and up)

Atlanta Chapter Siblings Website

Mailing Address for the Atlanta/Tucker  Chapter
Atlanta TCF
808 Brentway Court
Lilburn, GA  30047

Atlanta Area Chapters

Lawrenceville (Gwinnett)
June Cooper 770-757-4927
Patty Key 770-833-9967

7:00 PM on the third Thursday of every month.

First Christian Church of Lawrenceville
3495 Sugarloaf Parkway
Lawrenceville, GA 30044
(New Location)

 Chapter 404-539-4287

7:00-9:00 p.m. First Tuesday
Marietta First Baptist Church,
148 Church Street...3rd Floor, Marietta, GA  30061 

Sandy Springs 
Mary Natelli  678-468-9186

7:30 PM on the fourth Wednesday of every month. 

Link Counseling Center,
348 Mt. Vernon Highway
Sandy Springs, GA 30328 

TCF of West Georgia
Community Christian Church
1717 Hwy 154
Sharpsburg GA 30277

Phone Contact:

Tonya (770) 301-5970 or Pat (770) 301-3990 or Janet (734) 635-3227
Meeting Info:

1st Tuesday of every month at 6:30 pm

Atlanta Area Chapters
Meeting Times

Meeting Times and Locations 
for All Atlanta Area Chapters

For Contacts and Locations, 
please visit our "Meeting Times Web Site"

Chapter Websites

Atlanta (Tucker)
Gwinnett (Lawrenceville)

Search our Pages with our New Search Engine 

 Click for Advanced Search

Webmaster - TCF Atlanta
Web Master

Grief Resource Sites:

Kate's Club - For Bereaved Children

Bereaved Parents of USA

Memorial Sites:

Wall of Memory

Holiday Memories

2008 Memory Tree

2008 Memory Book Slide Show

2008 Memory Tree Slide Show

High Resolution - 2008 Memory Tree/Book Slide Show

Memory Book - 2008

2007 Memory Tree

2007 Decorating the tree

 2007 Festival of Trees

2008 Walk to Remember

2009 Walk to Remember

Halloween Memories

Thanksgiving Memories


Valentine Memories and Poems


 The Compassionate Friends is a nonprofit, self-help support organization  for families
who have experienced the death of a child of any age from any cause. There is no religious affiliation.

Our web site  provides suggested reading  and  online newsletters  to help you in your grieving process. We offer weekly meetings where you can talk to other bereaved parents and siblings. We offer an online newsletterwhere you can receive messages, articles and poems.  Families are also able to share their feelings online.   ...Remember You Need Not Walk  Alone.


The Story of How Compassionate Friends Began

The Compassionate Friends of Atlanta Facebook Group

The Compassionate Friends of Atlanta now has a Facebook Group.  We invite you to join. 

For more information, Click the following link

We also have a Sibling Facebook Group Ages 13 and up.... 

You will need to log into Facebook to join the group.  You will also need a Facebook account (they are free). 

Our hope is that you will be able to connect to someone to help you in your grief journey. 

Remember "We Need Not Walk Alone".


TCF Atlanta Chapter Quarterly Newsletters

Atlanta Chapter Newsletter - Fall 2012

Atlanta Chapter Newsletter - Summer 2012

Atlanta Chapter Newsletter - Spring 2012

Atlanta Chapter Newsletter - Winter 2012

Prior Newsletter Archives for Atlanta Chapter

TCF Gwinnett Chapter Quarterly Newsletters

Gwinnett Chapter - Summer 2015

Gwinnett Chapter - Spring 2015

Gwinnett Chapter - Winter 2014

Gwinnett Chapter - Autumn 2014

Gwinnett Chapter - Summer 2014

Gwinnett Chapter - Spring 2014

Gwinnett Chapter - Winter 2013

Gwinnett Chapter - Autumn 2013

Gwinnett Chapter - Summer 2013

Gwinnett Chapter - Spring 2013

Gwinnett Chapter - Winter 2013

Prior Newsletter Archives for Gwinnett Chapter

TCF Marietta Chapter Bi-Monthly Newsletters

Prior Newsletter Archives for Marietta Chapter

Resources for the Newly Bereaved
(Please feel free to print and distribute to those in need)

TCF Atlanta Area Information Brochure

Special Newsletter for Suicide by Kitty Reeves

Suicide Newsletter


Wall of Memory
Please Visit Our Wall of Memory

TCF Atlanta Online Bookstore

Safe Passage : 
Words to Help the Grieving Hold Fast and Let Go 
by Molly Fumia

Words of comfort for those who have suffered a loss move the reader through the raw emotions of grief--denial, anger, confusion, guilt, and loneliness--to 
 acceptance and transformation. 


Healing After Loss : Daily Meditations for Working Through Grief  by Martha Whitmore Hickman 

 For those recovering from the death of a loved one, here is a collection of daily affirmations and meditations to ease the grieving process
and pave the way for healing to begin.


Book Reviews  by TCF Members

The Compassionate Friends of Atlanta web site has provided online links from this page to to enable you to use their extensive search engine to locate books. If you go to through any of our links or book recommendations, we will receive a small commission from any purchase you make which will go to support our organization.

We are also developing "recommended reading sections" which will feature books that others have found helpful. Please visit these sections often to see our new recommendations and links. Click on the book title or cover to link to additional information.