TCF invites you to join with hundreds Sunday, July 26 at 8 a.m. for the annual Compassionate Friends "Walk to Remember." A highlight of the conferences, the walk kicks off the final day of the conference with a time for peace and reflection—to hold hands and remember times past. Whether you walk the two miles or a couple hundred feet is not important. What matters is that you have taken this time to join with friends—new and old—and family who are walking the same journey with you. In previous years of the walk, 600 to 1000 joined hands and hearts. Many simply registered to be able to show their unity with the walkers, and stayed at the hotel to welcome those returning from the walk. Help TCF in its mission by asking friends, family, and businesses to back you with pledges for the national organization. Funds raised by this event for the national organization will help assure that TCF will always be there, just as it has been for tens of thousands of bereaved families over the years. Please refer to the registration packet for complete information and the forms needed to register for participation. Memorial Walk Slideshow Presentation We have compiled a
slideshow presentation of some the previous conference walks to help you see why this is such a very meaningful activity. Thanks
to the previous conference attendees for submitting their photos and to "No
Copyright Music" https://www.royaltyfree-music.
Click Here to Watch the Walk Slideshow
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