Poetry by Kaye Des'Ormeaux
to the Families Who Survive
to Our Children - Page One
to Our Children - Page Two

God gives us friends in our life.
Friends to sometimes take our slack..
These friends are a cherished gift.
And you pray that God don't need them back.
I've been honored to have my heart surrounded
by the friends that I have graciously met.
And I'm still amazed that I have seen the world
with friends that I haven even met yet.
I started this travel about a three years ago.
And I just keep going on and on to this day.
Never thinking that I'd found such treasures
as I traveled along this lonely pathway!
I did and I am thrilled, my friend.
I have jewels in the heart of my soul.
And one day we will all meet on the other side,
and then we'll surely find He's made us whole!
Dedicated to Jayne & my friends of TCF
Dedicated to Sonya & my friends of MPAS
Dedicated to you to the Moms of MMIAS
To the special people that lift me every day. You know who you are!
And to the Lord for bringing me such a beautiful touch of sunshine!
Kaye Des'Ormeaux's Poems are Copyrighted.
They may not be used without the written permission of the author.
To request permission to use one of Kaye's poems, you
may contact her by email kdezamo@camtel.net
It is illegal to use without permission
Kaye and her granddaughter Olivia
Christi (Kaye's daughter) and Olivia (Kaye's granddaughter)
Thank you sweet Jesus for this beautiful day,
thank you for hearing words our hearts do pray.
Thank you for the air that you give us to breathe,
and for the love that each day we recieve.
Thank you for the wisdom to know what's right and wrong,
thank you for the hearts filled with your glorious song.
Thank you for all the love shown on this sharing line,
thank you for showing us we're not losing our mind.
Thank you for giving us the will to survive,
while waiting for our departure time to arrive.
Thank you for those who know our pain and understand,
that no matter how great we try to be, we are after all, just a human.
Thank you Lord for sparing our earthly angel friend for another day,
The sweet earthly angel friend we've all come to love, named Kaye.
For many a heart and soul this day she has touched,
please lay Your hand on her and give her Your healing touch.
by Wanda Bryant
January 13, 2002
Thank You Dear God
Every so often, God decides we need special help on Earth,
He comtemplates, then adds those qualities to someone's birth.
The baby is blessed, and delivered with great care,
To a mom and dad, who are not immediately aware.
But then the child grows, in such wonderful way,
The parents are stunned, they don't know what to say.
For along with a smile, that never grows old,
The infant has developed, a heart of pure gold!
She is so sensitive and sympathetic, to all others in need,
And writes poems that tug at heart strings, every time as you
Her own health is suffering, during these labors of love,
She creates her works, with some help from above.
She's an Angel in training, as you can see,
Loaned to us here, by a Heavenly decree.
So during your daily prayers, don't forget to say:
"Thank you dear God, for our Angel named Kaye!"
- Dan Bryl