by Kaye DesOrmeaux
An Angel With Golden Wings
"A Room Full of Angels"
"At the Request of an Angel"
to the Families Who Survive
to Our Children - Page One
to Our Children - Page Two

All of Kaye's poems are copyrighted.
To reprint you must have Kaye's permission.
Do Not reprint a poem that was dedicated
to an individual child without that parent's
An Angel With Golden
Part 1
The Encounter
It was a sunny spring afternoon.
I was walking down life's pathway.
I met an angel with golden wings.
But didn't know what to say.
I knew I was to stop for a moment.
I felt the urge to say "hello."
And as you briefly passed by me,
I saw how your face seemed to glow.
When we drew closer to each other,
my heart seemed to skip a beat.
Who would have guessed that on this day,
this special angel I would meet?
It was as if I was destined to meet you.
Our hearts were to be entwined.
We were to be each other's comfort...
Yeah, me with this Angel of mine.
You drew closer to me as we passed.
I reach my heart out to you.
You took me by the hand and said,
""Tell me what you need me to do."
I whispered that I was hurting inside.
I told you about my heartache.
You wrapped me in the blanket of love.
And showed me the steps to take.
I felt my heart as it filled with love.
You turned my frown into a grin.
Oh how did I live my life, precious one?
Was this the day my life was to begin?
An Angel With Golden Wings
Part 2
Looking Back
Well, our days turned into weeks.
And, weeks turned into years.
We remained close to each other.
We overcame the battle of fears.
I was sure that I'd lose the battle.
Oh so many times I was afraid.
My angel with golden wings was near...
Reminding me of tracks we laid.
I don't know when it actually happened.
Don't know when it became clear.
That I was to be carried to Heaven on wings...
Wings of the angel I loved so dear.
Oh the day that the great event took place,
I didn't have time to feel fear or think.
I was swept up into the arms of the angels...
It all happened as fast as the eye could blink.
I felt the wind beneath my body.
I felt that I was floating in air.
Watching my family members behind me...
Was more than I could bear.
But then shortly, and then instantly,
my family was out of sight.
I was sad to think they were gone...
But my thoughts were soon set right.
They weren't gone from my presence,
the angel began to explain.
They were just on another plane of life.
Now, I could somehow relieve their pain.
So I smiled at the angels
they smiled back at me.
I wanted to cry for those I love...
but no tears in Heaven to see.
An Angel with Golden Wings
Part 3
The Final Journey
I walked around the streets of Heaven.
My angel gave me the guided tour.
I was shown the mansions on the hilltop.
One of those mansions were mine for sure.
I saw a group of angels in a lei of roses.
All of their faces sparkled like gold.
I was suddenly drawn toward them.
The picture began to suddenly unfold.
The group of angels seemed to be bonded.
They were smiling as if I also belonged.
I heard one of them say to me...
Your words on earth made my mommy strong.
You wrote words of comfort for my Dad.
You helped his heart to live.
Your words reached inside my mom's heart...
And taught her to somehow forgive.
We were with you on your journey through life.
Not once did we ever leave your side.
You somehow helped our Moms & Dads...
You listened each time they cried.
We see the love you have for our moms & dads.
We see the love that each word brings.
Now it's our turn to give you peace of mind.
And to be your Angel with Golden Wings...!
Copyright 2000 Kaye Des'Ormeaux
All Rights Reserved.
It is illegal to copy, print or republish this without written
permission for the author.
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"A Room Full of Angels"
When I feel lost and alone,
I can be assured.
The room is full of angels;
Angels so rich and pure!
One day when I was in need,
and felt I couldn't go on.
I reached inside my heart.
I knew then I wasn't alone.
The room was full of angels.
Although they weren't in sight.
I could feel their presence...
I could feel their eliminating light.
I then said my thanks to the Lord
for sending them my way.
He just smiled down on me & said.
"Oh child their with you everyday!"
They have Moms & Dads who love them.
But they love you too.
So I send this room full of angels
to safely watch over you.
Kaye Des'Ormeaux
Copyright 2000
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"At the Request of
an Angel"
Yesterday, in Heaven, a sweet angel,
went to our Father's throne.
This angel said, "Dear Lord, tomorrow,
my Mom just can't be left alone!"
The angel said, "My Heavenly Father,
I've been in Heaven for almost a year.
Wearing wings made of silver & gold...
While Mom's face is stained with tears.
She's going to need me tomorrow,
to give comfort and ease her pain.
I want to surround her with all my love,
Cause her tears still flow like rain!
You have your Mother too, Lord
who once felt the pain of losing you...
She knows what it is like for a Mother,
to feel misery the whole day through...!"
Our Father looked at this precious angel,
who was kneeling at His Throne,
He said, "Take a Band of Angels with you,
so your Mom won't ever feel alone!
As you embrace her with your love,
I'll reach down with loving arms;
I'll touch her with My love and assurance,
that you'll protect her from all harm!..."
Oh! What a sight it must have been today!
To see these Angels with golden wings,
Following that precious angel to your heart...
Bringing all the love they could bring!
Yes, your angel is always with you,
no matter what the circumstance...
So, if you feel a tug at your heart today...
It's your angel asking you for a dance.
~Never an End ~
Dedicated to the Moms who have to live through
that day again.
Copyright 1998
Kaye Des'Ormeaux
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If you choose to use the float
upload the butterfly to your file directory.
You may copy the code from my
source for the float but please give the credit for the code to
Thank you to Kurt Grigg for developing
the code
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