March 31, 1998
Dear Ashley,
It has been 17 months since you have died. That day and week to follow
is sketched on my memory forevermore. The horror in mama’s voice when she
called me at work and told me there had been an accident. I raced home
and called the local hospitals to find where you were, all along praying
for you to "hold on." Then the cold voice of death from Lee, "Lisa, Ashley’s
dead." Silence…Our lives changed forever…I see horror on the faces of mom
and dad. I see a blur of people and food and questions and never-ending
nights. I see you laying so hurt in that casket. I tried to do everything
you would have wanted. I remember following you to the cemetery and passing
all of the little food places where had just been in the last month. Through
the intersections where I had carried you from a baby until teenage years.
I never thought we would be following behind you to a cemetery. I remember
turning back for the last time and glancing at the casket for the last
time before leaving the cemetery. How could I leave? I remember the long,
lonely nights to follow. I thought I heard you calling me in my sleep to
come to the cemetery. Nightmares…but most of all, I remember your sweet,
smiling face and all of the dreams we had. I found some letters that you
had written me. So cheerful and full of life. You have been gone for 17
months and I feel like the rest of your family is dying also. Slowly, of
broken hearts and dreams.
I miss my only sister so very much. I will love her always.
Lisa Anne Sockwell, in memory of Ashley Marie –1/31/78 – 10/22/96
TCF Atlanta Newsletter ... May-June 98

A Tribute to Our Daughter
You have been gone from us almost now a year.
How lonely our lives have been, we've shed so many tears.
You brought us joy and pleasure, you had so much to give,
We can't help but question why didn't you get to live.
We love you so very much, we miss you so, our dear.
We are longing for the day when again we hold you near.
Ashley, your life was so brief but our love for you is so great.
You will live in our hearts forever.
We miss you more than words can say.
-Mom & Dad
Death can hide, but not divide
She is but on Christ's other side
She's with Christ and Christ's with me
United still in Christ are we.
This was submitted in loving memory of my beautiful daughter, Ashley
Marie Sockwell
born January 31, 1978, and died October 22, 1996 in an auto accident
Tuesday to Friday
On Tuesday I never told you
I got your letter in the mail
On Tuesday I never told you
All the news I had to tell
On Tuesday I never asked you
Were there more gifts to buy
On Tuesday I never asked you
I only wondered why
On Tuesday I never asked you
What time you would be home
Because on Tuesday it all ended
And you were suddenly gone
On Wednesday I can't remember
How many came and went
I sat with solemn graveness
Knowing good times were spent
On Wednesday I never smiled
But I picked your clothes to wear
I picked your prettiest ones
And folded them with care
On Wednesday I stood with family
To pick your casket with care
I stood with so much pain
Not wanting to see you there
On Tuesday my heart broke
When I saw you lying there
How could this have happened
It was all so unfair
Now Friday was the hardest
Knowing the time was near
What really was happening
Will never be that clear
How we got through it I wonder
When we left you there
The heaviness inside us
Was too much to bear
I always feel sad and lonely
Many tears run down my face
You filled our lives with laughter
And no one can take your place
How do you say good-bye
To someone like you
With you he took our joy
And all our happiness too
Every day is Tuesday to Friday
With it all still so real
But no one really knows
How we really feel
I think the hardest of all
To know you'll never be here
But we'll never say good-bye
To our sister so dear
-by Lisa Anne Sockwell
in memory of her only sister,
Ashley Marie.