Raines Family Reunion 2004
June 11-13
Lubbock, Texas

Nancy Jane Bundrant Raines and William Clem Raines with sons
Clayton Porter Raines and Amial A. Raines 
1918 - Ricardo, New Mexico

Nancy Jane Bundrant married William Clem Raines 
October 28, 1892
Coryell County, Texas


Lillie Vanzula Bradford Raines
2/20/98 - 6/16/1987

Amial Alza Raines
2/4/1898 - 5/26/1956

Lillie Bradford Raines (Mamer)
Not sure where or what year

Lillie and Amial Raines


Amial A. "Jack" Raines Sr.
2/4/1898 - 5/26/1956

Lillie Vanzula Bradford Raines
2/20/1898 - 

Lucille, George, Jane and Jack Raines

George A. Raines 3/12/1922 - 5/26/1993
L. Lucille Raines Isreal 


Jack Raines, Amial Raines, George Raines

Martha Jane Raines Hall 
1-7-1939 - 


George Raines, Lillie Raines, Lucille Raines Isreal, 
Jane Raines Black Hall, Jack Raines Jr.


Photographs and roses
What pleasure they derive
With every sweet emotion
That always does arrive

When photos fill an album
With love that now unfolds
Upon each faded beauty
A story can be told

The petals may be brittle
Their fragrance gone by now
But oh how much they soothe us
With sounds of gentle sighs

One day I'll join this album
And when they look at me
I hope they see the joy I feel
By gracing family tree.

~ Francine Pucillo ~
Copyright Jan 12, 2004

More Links (in progress)

Children of Amial A. and Lillie V. Bradford Raines

George A. Raines

Lillie Lucille Raines Isreal

Jack Raines

Jane Raines Black Hall

Old Photos

Information on 2004 Family Reunion

Descendants of Jean Pierre Bondurant

History of Descendants of Jean Pierre Bondurant

(Webmasters - Jayne and Wayne Newton)