Raines Family Reunion 2004
June 11-13
Lubbock, Texas

Old Photos

Harden Alexander Bundrant (1833-1907) and wife, Nancy Jane Hancock (1840-1890). 

Parents of Nancy Jane Bundrant (1872-1912)

Grandparents of Amial Raines

Jewel Maler had the original tintype and had it copied. She said the tintype has rusted completely away." 
Photo courtesy of Frances Willess
~from www.bundrant.com


Family of Hardin Alexander Bundrant 1833-1907
and Nancy Jane Hancock 1840-1890

William Clem Raines is second from left standing
(Our Great Grandfather)
Nancy Jane Bundrant Raines is second from left sitting (Our Great Grandmother)

Little girl sitting with doll is Effie Raines (1894 - 1956)
(our great aunt)

Time frame of picture is 1901
courtesy Frances Willess
~ picture from www.bundrant.com

Bundrant Family portrait in 19??. 
Appears to be at the Old home place in Coryell County North of Purmela, TX 
Photographer: Unknown

(I have seen the date identified as 1901, 1904, and 1910 for this photograph).

~ picture from www.bundrant.com

Hardin Alexander Bundrant  (1833 - 1907 ) with Annie Viola Tucker. 
Photo courtesy of Darlene Baker
~ picture from www.bundrant.com

Amial A. Raines - 1898
2/20/1898 - 5/13/1956

Son of Nancy Jane Bundrant and William Clem Raines

Nancy Jane Bundrant Raines and William Clem Raines with sons
Clayton Porter Raines and Amial A. Raines 
1918 - Ricardo, New Mexico

Nancy Jane Bundrant married William Clem Raines 
October 28, 1892
Coryell County, Texas

Amial A. Raines, Effie Raines Jones, Clayton Porter Raines

Surviving Children of William Clem Raines and Nancy Jane Bundrant Raines

Amial Raines and Grover D. Jones

Grover D. Jones and Effie Raines Jones (1896 - )

Picture taken approximately 1948

Grover D. Jones and Clayton Raines

Grover D. Jones and Amial Raines


Times in life it moves for us
Yet treasures stay the same
Within our hearts our memories
They always shall remain

Photos of our loved ones
Words they wrote in time
Gathered in the scrap books
Where love is all combined

Precious are these gifts in life
No matter what they be
The smallest gift that shows us
They touched us reverently

Keep those gentle memories
So carefully defined
Within your hearts forever
They are the ties that bind. 

~ Francine Pucillo ~
Copyright Dec. 14, 2003

More Links (in progress)

Raines Family Reunion 2004

Children of Amial A. and Lillie V. Bradford Raines

George A. Raines

Lillie Lucille Raines Isreal

Jack Raines

Jane Raines Black Hall

Old Photos

Information on 2004 Family Reunion

Descendants of Jean Pierre Bondurant

History of Descendants of Jean Pierre Bondurant

(Webmasters - Jayne and Wayne Newton)